
عرض المشاركات من نوفمبر, ٢٠١٧

Don’t Be Duped! — 3 “Diet Foods” Guaranteed to Sabotage Your Health

Are you putting 100% into your diet program, but feel like you’re getting 0 results? Many people find themselves in this pickle. They work hard, hold on to their diet strategy like bulldog, but fail to see the transformation they wanted. Hopes were high, but the scale just isn’t going downward. What gives? Often, the problem is not effort or motivation. The issue is that they are incorporating certain foods in their diet plan that are actually not diet foods at all. The diet industry is big business, and unfortunately many companies market their products as healthy, even though they are counter-productive options. What are these foods? Here are three problem foods you need to cut from your diet immediately. Fruit Flavored Yogurts Fruit flavored yogurts are a favorite among many dieters, but many fail to see them for what they are: pint-sized sugar bombs. Individual yogurt packs have gotten unhealthier and unhealthier, while their reputation as a go-to diet food

Building A Righteous Bod: 5 Commandments Of Smart Dieting

To see the best results from any diet plan, you’ve got to know the “Diet Commandments”. These guidelines are essential for superior results. They will take you to the Promised Land, flowing with good health and energy. Sadly, many dieters miss out on one or more of these rules, and it costs them their success. Thou Shall Eat More Protein Of all the foods you might eat while on a fat loss diet, protein is probably the most important. Protein combats hunger, stabilizes blood glucose levels, and prevents lean muscle loss. The result is raised metabolism and accelerated fat loss. Don’t let your protein intake fall short. Aim to consume some in every meal and snack. For some unexpected sources of protein, consider quinoa, bulgur, avocado, and whole wheat bagels. Thou Shall Eat Regularly You may have heard that metabolism increases the more often you eat. That’s somewhat misleading. Actually, the boost you get from a meal is directly related to meal size — eating